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Thaddeus of Warsaw by Jane Porter
page 22 of 701 (03%)
XXIV. Lady Tinemouth's Boudoir.
XXV. The Countess of Tinemouth's Story.
XXVI. The Kindredship of Minds.
XXVII. Such Things Were.
XXVIII. Mary Beaufort and her Venerable Aunt.
XXIX. Hyde Park.
XXX. Influences of Character.
XXXI. The Great and the Small of Society.
XXXII. The Obduracy of Vice--The Inhumanity of Folly.
XXXIII. Passion and Principle.
XXXIV. Requiescat in Pace.
XXXV. Deep are the Purposes of Adversity.
XXXVI. An English Prison.
XXXVIII. Zeal is Power.
XXXIX. The Vale of Grantham--Belvoir.
XL. Somerset Castle.
XLI. The Maternal Heart.
XLII. Harrowby Abbey.
XLIII. The Old Village Hotel.
XLIV. Letters of Farewell.
XLV. Deerhurst.
XLVI. The Spirit of Peace.
XLVII. An Avowal.
XLVIII. A Family Party.

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