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St. Patrick's day, or, the scheming lieutenant : a farce in one act by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
page 35 of 45 (77%)
scrawl from the lieutenant, I suppose.--[_Takes the letter.--
Exit_ SERVANT.] Let me see:--ay, 'tis signed O'Connor.

_Just_. Well, come read it out.

_Mrs. Bri_. [_Reads_.] _Revenge is sweet_.

_Just_. It begins so, does it? I'm glad of that; I'll let the dog
know I'm of his opinion.

_Mrs. Bri_. [_Reads_.] _And though disappointed of my
designs upon your daughter, I have still the satisfaction of knowing I
am revenged on her unnatural father; for this morning, in your
chocolate, I had the pleasure to administer to you a dose of
poison!_--Mercy on us!

_Just_. No tricks, Bridget; come, you know it is not so; you know
it is a lie.

_Mrs. Bri_. Read it yourself.

_Just_. [_Reads_.] _Pleasure to administer a dose of
poison_!--Oh, horrible! Cut-throat villain!--Bridget!

_Mrs. Bri_. Lovee, stay, here's a postscript.--[_Reads_.]
_N.B. 'Tis not in the power of medicine to save you_.

_Just_. Odds my life, Bridget! why don't you call for help? I've
lost my voice.--My brain is giddy--I shall burst, and no assistance.--
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