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St. Patrick's day, or, the scheming lieutenant : a farce in one act by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
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_Just_. Psha, you're a fool!

_Mrs. Bri_. No, Mr. Credulous, it is you who are a fool, and no
one but such a simpleton would be so imposed on.

_Just_. Why zounds, madam, how durst you talk so? If you have no
respect for your husband, I should think _unus quorum_ might
command a little deference.

_Mrs. Bri_. Don't tell me!--Unus fiddlestick! you ought to be
ashamed to show your face at the sessions: you'll be a laughing-stock
to the whole bench, and a byword with all the pig-tailed lawyers and
bag-wigged attorneys about town.

_Just_. Is this language for his majesty's representative? By the
statutes, it's high treason and petty treason, both at once!

_Enter_ SERVANT.

_Ser_. A letter for your worship.

_Just_. Who brought it?

_Ser_. A soldier.

_Just_. Take it away and burn it.

_Mrs. Bri_. Stay!--Now you're in such a hurry--it is some canting
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