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The Wentworth Letter by Joseph Smith
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country. The principal nation of the second race fell in battle
towards the close of the fourth century. The remnant are the Indians
that now inhabit this country. This book also tells us that our
Savior made his appearance upon this continent after his
resurrection, that he planted the gospel here in all its fulness,
and richness, and power, and blessing; that they had apostles,
prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists; the same order, the
same priesthood, the same ordinances, gifts, powers, and blessings,
as was enjoyed on the eastern continent, that the people were cut
off in consequence of their transgressions, that the last of their
prophets who existed among them was commanded to write an abridgment
of their prophecies, history, &c., and to hide it up in the earth,
and that it should come forth and be united with the bible for the
accomplishment of the purposes of God in the last days. For a more
particular account I would refer to the Book of Mormon, which can be
purchased at Nauvoo, or from any of our travelling elders.

As soon as the news of this discovery was made known, false
reports, misrepresentation, and slander flew as on the wings of the
wind in every direction, the house was frequently beset by mobs, and
evil designing people, several times I was shot at, and very
narrowly escaped, and every device was made use of to get the plates
away from me, but the power and blessing of God attended me, and
several began to believe my testimony.

On the 6th of April, 1830, the "Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-Day Saints," was first organized in the town of Manchester,
Ontario co., state of New York. Some few were called and ordained by
the spirit of revelation, and prophecy, and began to preach as the
spirit gave them utterance, and though weak, yet were they
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