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The Wentworth Letter by Joseph Smith
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strengthened by the power of God, and many were brought to
repentance, were immersed in the water, and were filled with the
Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. They saw visions and
prophesied, devils were cast out and the sick healed by the laying
on of hands. From that time the work rolled forth with astonishing
rapidity, and churches were formed in the states of New York,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri; in the last
named state a considerable settlement was formed in Jackson co.;
numbers joined the Church and we were increasing rapidly; we made
large purchases of land, our farms teemed with plenty, and peace
and happiness were enjoyed in our domestic circle and throughout our
neighborhood; but as we could not associate with our neighbors who
were, many of them of the basest of men, and had fled from the face
of civilized society, to the frontier country to escape the hand of
justice in their midnight revels, their Sabbath breaking, horse
racing, and gambling, they commenced at first to ridicule, then to
persecute, and finally an organized mob assembled and burned our
houses, tarred and feathered, and whipped many of our brethren and
finally drove them from their habitations; who, houseless, and
homeless, contrary to law, justice, and humanity, had to wander on
the bleak prairies till the children left the tracks of their blood
on the prairie, this took place in the month of November, and they
had no other covering but the canopy of heaven, in this inclement
season of the year; this proceeding was winked at by the government
and although we had warrantee deeds for our land, and had violated
no law we could obtain no redress.

There were many sick, who were thus inhumanly driven from their
houses, and had to endure all this abuse and to seek homes where
they could be found. The result was, that a great many of them
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