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Miss Parloa's New Cook Book by Maria Parloa
page 69 of 553 (12%)
[Illustration: Tin Kitchen.]

When possible, a tin kitchen should be used, as meat cooked before a bright
fire has a flavor much nicer than when baked in an oven.

[Illustration: Bird Roaster.]

The bird roaster will be found valuable.

[Illustration: Ice Cream Freezer.]

An ice cream freezer is a great luxury in a family, and will soon do
away with that unhealthy dish--pie. No matter how small the family,
nothing less than a gallon freezer should be bought, because you can
make a small quantity of the cream in this size, and when you have
friends in, there is no occasion to send to the confectioner's for
what can be prepared as well at home. With the freezer should be
purchased a mallet and canvas bag for pounding the ice fine, as much
time and ice can be saved.

[Illustration: Bain-Marie.]

[Illustration: Bain-Marie Pan.]

A bain-marie is a great convenience for keeping the various dishes hot
when serving large dinners. It is simply a large tin pan, which is
partially filled with boiling water and placed where this will keep at
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