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Miss Parloa's New Cook Book by Maria Parloa
page 70 of 553 (12%)
a high temperature, but will not boil. The sauce-pans containing the
cooked food are placed in the water until the time for serving.

[Illustration: Carving Knife and Fork.]

The large knives for the kitchen, as well as those belonging in the
dining-room, should be kept very sharp. If used about the fire they
are soon spoiled.

[Illustration: French Cook's Knife.]

The French cook's knife is particularly good for carving, cutting
bread, etc. It. is rather expensive, but it pays to get one, if only
proper care can be taken of it. The butcher's knife should be used for
all heavy work. One should never try to break a bone with a knife.
That this is often attempted in both kitchen and dining room, the
nicked edges of the knives give proof, and show the greater hardness
of the bones.

[Illustration: Boning Knife.]

Where much boning is done a small boning knife, costing about seventy-
five cents, will be necessary; It should be used only for this

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