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Miss Parloa's New Cook Book by Maria Parloa
page 71 of 553 (12%)
[Illustration: French Vegetable Scoop.]

The French vegetable scoop, costs about seventy-five cents, will cut
potatoes and other vegetables in balls for frying or boiling. The
largest size is the best.

[Illustration: Garnishing Knife.]

The garnishing knife flutes vegetables, adding much to their
appearance when they are used as a garnish.

[Illustration: Long French Roll Pan.]

[Illustration: Short French Roll Pan--Made of Russian Iron.]

[Illustration: Muffin Pans]

The long French roll pan, made from Russian iron, is nice for baking
long loaves or rolls where a great deal of crust is liked There are
muffin pans of tin, Russian iron and granite ware. Those of iron
should be chosen last, on account of their weight. It is a good thing
to have pans of a number of different shapes, as a variety for the eye
is a matter of importance. The muffin rings of former years have done
their duty, and should be allowed to rest, the convenient cups, which
comes in sheets, more than filling their place.

[Illustration: Frying Basket.]
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