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Miss Parloa's New Cook Book by Maria Parloa
page 72 of 553 (13%)

The frying basket should have fine meshes, as delicate articles, like
croquettes, need more support than a coarsely-woven basket gives.

[Illustration: Meat Rack.]

Where roasting is done in the oven there must be a rack to keep the
meat from coming in contact with the water in the bottom of the pan.

[Illustration: Larding and Trussing Needles.]

One medium-sized larding needle will answer for all kinds of meat that
are to be larded.

[Illustration: Potato Slicer.]

A potato slicer will be found useful for slicing potatoes, for frying,
or cabbage, for slaw. It cuts vegetables in very thin pieces.

[Illustration: Steamer for Pot. Steamer for Tea-Kettle.]

The steamers which fit into the cast-iron pot or the tea-kettle are
quite convenient. Both kinds will not, of course, be required.

[Illustration: Quart Measure]
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