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Five Little Peppers Abroad by Margaret Sidney
page 124 of 340 (36%)
us go and find them--you and I."

"An excellent plan," said Dr. Fisher, hooking his arm into Jasper's and
skipping off, Jasper having hard work to keep up with him.

"Here--where are you two going?" called Mr. King after them. And this
hindered them so that Polly and Adela ran in unnoticed. And there they
were on time after all; for it turned out that the little doctor's
watch was five minutes ahead.

Well, and then they all filed into the big dining room, and there, to
be sure, was their special table in the centre, and in the middle of it
was a tall Dutch cake, ornamented with all sorts of nuts and fruits and
candies, and gay with layers of frosting, edged and trimmed with
coloured devices, and on the very tip-top of all was an elaborate
figure in sugar of a little Dutch shepherdess. And around this
wonderful cake were plates of mottoes, all trimmed in the Dutch
fashion--in pink and green and yellow--while two big bunches of posies,
lay one at each plate, of the two girls who had a birthday together in
Old Amsterdam.

"Oh--oh!" cried Polly, seizing her bunch before she looked at the huge
Dutch cake, and burying her nose deep among the big fragrant roses,
"how perfectly lovely! Who did do this?"

But no one said a word. And the little doctor was as sober as a judge.
He only glared at them over his spectacles.

"Grandpapa," gasped Polly, "you did."

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