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Five Little Peppers Abroad by Margaret Sidney
page 125 of 340 (36%)
"Guess again," advised Grandpapa. "Mamsie--" Polly gave one radiant
look at Mother Fisher's face.

Then Dr. Fisher broke out into a hearty laugh. "You've guessed it this
time, Polly, my girl," he said, "your mother is the one."

"Your father really did it," corrected Mother Fisher. "Yes, Adoniram,
you did,--only I saw to things a little, that's all."

"Which means that pretty much the whole business was hers," added the
little doctor, possessing himself of her hand under cover of the table.
"Well, girls, if you like your birthday party fixings, that's all your
mother and I ask. It's Dutch, anyway, and what you won't be likely to
get at home; there's so much to be said for it."



And as Mother Fisher observed, they would all enjoy Marken better for
the delay, for there would be more time to anticipate the pleasure; and
then there was the Henderson box to get ready, for Grandpapa King had
not only approved the plan; he had welcomed the idea most heartily. "It
will be a good diversion from our scare," he said, when Polly and
Jasper laid it before him.

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