Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room by Alonzo Reed;Brainerd Kellogg
page 34 of 310 (10%)
page 34 of 310 (10%)
Each pupil may give the name of something in the room; the name of a
distinguished person; a name that may be applied to a class of persons; the name of an animal; the name of a place: the name of a river; the name of a mountain; the name of something which we cannot see or touch, but of which we can think; as, _beauty_, _mind_. Remind the pupils frequently that these _names_ are all _nouns_. NOUNS. +DEFINITION.--A _Noun_ is the name of anything+. Write in columns, headed _nouns_, the names of domestic animals, of garden vegetables, of flowers, of trees, of articles sold in a dry goods store, and of things that cannot be seen or touched; as, _virtue_, _time_, _life_. Write and arrange, according to the following model, the names of things that can _float_, _fly_, _walk_, _work_, _sit_, or _sing_. _Nouns_. Cork | Clouds | +Model+.--Wood + floats or float. Ships | Boys | Such expressions as _Cork floats_ are _sentences_, and the nouns _cork_, _ship_, etc., are the subjects. You will find that _+every subject+ is a +noun+ or some word or words used for a noun_. |