Graded Lessons in English an Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room by Alonzo Reed;Brainerd Kellogg
page 35 of 310 (11%)
page 35 of 310 (11%)
Be prepared to analyze and parse the sentences which you have made. _Naming
the class to which a word belongs is the first step in parsing_. +Model for Analysis+.--This is a sentence, because -----; _cork_ is the subject, because -----; _floats_ is the predicate, because -----. +Parsing+.--_Cork_ is a _noun_, because it is the name of a thing--the bark of a tree. LESSON 15. Select and write all the nouns in the sentences given in Lessons 28, 31, 34. Tell why they are nouns. In writing the nouns, observe the following rule. +CAPITAL LETTER--RULE.--Every proper or individual name must begin with a capital letter+. +To the Teacher+.--See Notes, pp. 167-169. REVIEW QUESTIONS. With respect to what, do we classify words (Lesson 14)? What are such classes called? Can you illustrate this classification? What are all names? |