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The Guide to Reading — the Pocket University Volume XXIII by Various
page 33 of 103 (32%)
II. Adams's Cold Wave of 32 B. C., 9-Pt. I:146
III. Thomas's Frost To-night, 12:343

3rd. TOMASSO SALVINI, b. 1 Ja. 1829; d. 1 Ja. 1916
I. Tomasso Salvini, 17-II:80-108

4th. I. Extracts from Thackeray's Book of Snobs, 1-Pt. I:3-37

5th. I. Ruskin's Venice, 1-Pt. II:73-88
II. St. Marks, 1-Pt. II:91-100

6th. I. Shakespeare's Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind, 12:256-257
II. Messenger's A Winter Wish, 12:259-261
III. Emerson's The Snow Storm, 14:93-94
IV. Thackeray's Nil Nisi Bonum, l-Pt. I:130-143

7th. I. Adams's Ballad of the Thoughtless Waiter, 9-Pt. I:147
II. Us Poets, 9-Pt. I:148
III. Spenser's Amoretti, 13:177

No book that will not improve by repeated readings deserves to be
read at all.


8th. I. Fred Trover's Little Iron-clad, 7-Pt. II:82-105

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