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The Guide to Reading — the Pocket University Volume XXIII by Various
page 34 of 103 (33%)
9th. I. Kipling's The Man Who Would Be King, 21-Pt. II:1-56

10th. I. Carlyle's Boswell's Life of Johnson, 2-Pt. I: 32-78

11th. I ALEXANDER HAMILTON, b. II Ja. 1757
Alexander Hamilton, 16-Pt. I:71-91

12th. I. Macaulay's Dr. Samuel Johnson, His Biographer, 2-Pt. II:30-39
II. The Puritans, 2-Pt. II:23-29

13th. I. EDMUND SPENSER, d, 16 Ja. 1599
Prothalamion, 13:13-20

14th. I. Hawthorne's Dr. Heidegger's Experiment, 3-Pt. I:3-19

The novel, in its best form, I regard as one of the most
powerful engines of civilization ever invented.


15th. EDWARD EVERETT, d. 15 Ja. 1865
I. Lincoln to Everett, 5-Pt. I:120
II. Irving's Westminster Abbey, 3-Pt. II:75-92

16th. GEORGE V. HOBART, b. 16 Ja. 1867
I. John Henry at the Races, 9-Pt. II:107-113
II. Poe's The Black Cat, 4-Pt. I:127-143
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