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The High History of the Holy Graal by Anonymous
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preserved in six consecutive leaves and one detached leaf bound
up with a number of other works in a MS. numbered 113 in the City
Library at Berne. The volume is in folio on vellum closely
written in three columns to the page, and the seven leaves follow
the last poem contained in it, entitled "Duremart le Gallois".
The manuscript is well known, having been lent to M. de Sainte
Palaye for use in the Monuments of French History issued by the
Benedictines of the Congregation of St Maur. Selections from the
poems it contains are given in Sinner's "Extraits de Poesie du
XIII. Siecle", (3) and it is described, unfortunately without any
reference to these particular leaves, by the same learned
librarian in the "Catalogus Codicum MSS. Bibl. Bernensis", J.R.
Sinner. (4)

M. Potvin has carefully collated for his edition all that is
preserved of the Romance in this manuscript, comprising all the
beginning of the work as far as Branch III. Title 8, about the
middle, and from Branch XIX. Title 23, near the beginning, to
Branch XXX. Title 5, in the middle. Making allowance for
variations of spelling and sundry minor differences of reading,
by no means always in favour of the earlier scribe, the Berne
fragments are identical with the corresponding portions of the
Brussels manuscript, and it is therefore safe to assume that the
latter is on the whole an accurate transcript of the entire
original Romance.

The only note of time in the book itself is contained in the
declaration at the end. From this it appears that it was written
by order of the Seingnor of Cambrein for Messire Jehan the
Seingnor of Neele. M. Potvin, without giving any reason for so
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