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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 24 of 128 (18%)
given out, the hunter placed his big hand upon the head of the little
fellow, and said:

'You'se a mighty smart chap, that be you. Did anybody help you make

'No; I believe not.'

'What'll you take for it?'

'I never thought of selling it.'

'Wal, think of it now.'

'What do you want to do with it?

'Thar's three of us goin' out to hunt fur gold, and that's jist the
thing to keep the Injins back an' scart. I've been out thar afore, and
know what's the matter with the darned skunks. So, tell me how much
money will buy it.'

'I would rather not sell it, said Johnny, after a few minutes' further
thought.' It has taken me a great while to finish it, and I would
rather not part with it, for the present, at least.'

'But, skin me, younker, I want to buy it! I'll give you a thousand
dollars fur it, slap down.'

Although much less than the machine was really worth, yet it was a
large offer, and the boy hesitated for a moment. But it was only for a
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