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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 25 of 128 (19%)
moment, when he decidedly shook his head.

'I wish you wouldn't ask me, for I don't want to sell it, until I have
had it some time. Besides, it isn't finished yet.'

'It ain't,' exclaimed Baldy, in surprise. 'Why, it workswhat more do
you want?'

'I've got to make a wagon to run behind it.'

'That's it, eh? I thought you war goin' to ride on its back. How much
will it draw?'

'As much as four horses, and as fast as they can run.'

The hunter was half wild with excitement. The boy's delight was never
equal to one-half of his.

'Skulp me ag'in, ef that don't beat all! It's jest the thing for the
West; we'll walk through the Injins in the tallest kind of style, and
skear 'em beautiful. How long afore you'll have it done?'

'It will take a month longer, at least.'

Baldy stood a few minutes in thought.

'See here, younkerwe're on our way to the 'diggin's,' and spect to be
thar all summer. Ef the red-skins git any ways troublesome, I'm comin'
back arter this y'ar covey. Ef yer don't want to sell him, yer
needn't. Ef I bought him, it ain't likely I'd run him long afore I'd
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