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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 26 of 128 (20%)
bust his b'iler, or blow my own head off.'

'Just what I thought when you were trying to persuade me to sell it,'
interrupted the boy.

'Then, if he got the cramp in any of his legs, I wouldn't know how to
tie it up ag'in, and thar we'd be.'

'I am glad to see you take such a sensible view of it,' smiled Johnny.

'So, I'm goin' on West, as I said, with two fools besides myself, and
we're goin' to stay thar till yer get this old thing finished; and
then I'm comin' after you to take a ride out thar.'

'That would suit me very well,' replied the boy, his face lighting up
with more pleasure than he had shown. 'I would be very glad to make a
trip on the prairies.'

'Wal, look fur me in about six weeks.'

And with this parting, the hunter was let out the door, and
disappeared, while Johnny resumed his work.

That day saw the steam man completed, so far as it was possible. He
was painted up, and every improvement made that the extraordinarily
keen mind of the boy could suggest. When he stood one side, and
witnessed the noiseless but powerful workings of the enormous legs, he
could not see that anything more could be desired.

It now remained for him to complete the wagon, and he began at once.
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