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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 49 of 128 (38%)

This performance gave our friends great delight. It showed them that
they were really the owners of a prize whose value was incalculable.

'Ef the old thing will only last,' said Baldy, when they had sunk down
to a moderate trot again.

'What's to binder?'

'Dunno; yer oughter be able to tell. But these new-fangled things
generally go well at first, and then, afore yer know it, they bust all
to blazes.'

'No fear of this. I made this fellow so big that there is plenty of
room to have everything strong and give it a chance to work.'

'Wal, you're the smartest feller I ever seen, big or little. Whoever
heard of a man going by steam?'

'I have, often; but I never saw it. I expect when I go back to make
steam horses'

'And birds, I s'pose?'

'Perhaps so; it will take some time to get such things in shape, but I
hope to do it after awhile.'

'Skulp me! but thar must be some things that you can't do, and I think
you've mentioned 'em.

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