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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 50 of 128 (39%)
'Perhaps so,' was the quiet reply. 'When you git through with this
'Western trip, what are you goin' to do with this old feller?'

'I don't know. I may sell him, if anybody wants him.'

'No fear of that; I'll take him off your hands, and give you a good
price for him.'

'What good will' he do you?'

'Why, you can make more money with him than Barnum ever did with his
Woolly Home.'

'How so?' inquired the boy, with great simplicity.

'Take him through the country and show him to the people. I tell yer
they'd run after such things. Get out yer pictures of him, and the
folks would break thar necks to see him. I tell yer, thar's a fortune

The trapper spoke emphatically like one who knows.

As it was growing dusk, they deemed it best to look for some
camping-place. There was considerable danger in running at night, as
there was no moon, and they might run into some gully or ravine and
dislocate or wrench some portion of their machinery, which might
result in an irreparable catastrophe.

Before it was fairly dark they headed toward a small clump of trees,
where everything looked favorable.
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