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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 51 of 128 (39%)

'You see we must find a place where there is plenty water and fuel,
for we need both,' remarked the boy.

'Thar's plenty of wood, as yer see with yer eyes,' replied Baldy, 'and
when trees look as keen as that, thar's purty sure sign thar's water
not fur off.'

'That's all we want,' was the observation of the engineer as he headed
toward the point indicated.

Things were growing quite indistinct, when the steam man gave its last
puff, and came to rest in the margin of the grove. The fires were
instantly drawn, and every-thing was put in as good shape as possible,
by the boy, while the trapper made a tour of examination through the
grove. He came back with the report that everything was as they

'Thar's a big stream of water runnin' right through the middle, and
yer can see the wood fur yourself.'

'Any signs of Indians?' asked the boy, in a low voice, as if fearful
of being overheard. 'Dunno; it's too dark to tell.'

'If it's dangerous here, we had better go on.'

'Yer ain't much used to this part the world. You may keep powerful
easy till mornin'.'

As they could not feel certain whether in danger or not, it was the
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