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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 57 of 128 (44%)

All the time that the 'firingup' process was under way the savages sat
as motionless as statues upon their horses. Had they understood the
real nature of the 'animal,' it cannot be supposed that they would
rave hesitated for a moment to charge down upon it and demolish it

But it was a terra incognita, clothed with a terror such as no array
of: enemies could wear, and they preferred to keep at a goodly
distance from it.

'Now, suppose they do not run?' remarked Johnny, rather doubtingly, as
he hesitated whether to start ahead or not.

'What if they don't? Can't we run another way? But yer needn't fear.
Jist try it on.'

Steam was let on as rapidly as possible, and the momentum gathering
quickly, it was soon speeding over the prairie at a tremendous rate,
straight toward the savages.

The latter remained motionless a few moments, before they realized
that it was coining after them, and then, wheeling about, they ran as
though all the legions of darkness were after them.

'Shall I keep it up?' shouted Johnny in the ear of the hunter.

'Yas; give 'em such a skear that they won't be able to git over it
ag'in in all thar lives.'

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