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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 58 of 128 (45%)
There is some fun in chasing a foe, when you know that he is really
afraid of you, and will keep running without any thought of turning at
bay, and the dwarf put the steam man to the very highest notch of
speed that was safe, even at the slight risk of throwing both the
occupants out.

The prairie was harder and nearer level than any over which they had
passed since starting, so that nothing was in the way of preventing
the richest kind of sport.

'Are we gaining?' inquired Johnny, his eyes glowing with excitement.

'Gaining? Thar never was a red-skin that had such a chase in all the
world. Ef they don't git out theway mighty soon, we'll run over 'em

They were, in truth, rapidly overhauling the red-skins, who were about
as much terrified as it was possible for a mortal to be, and still

To increase their fears, the boy kept up a constant shrieking of his
whistle. If there had been any other contrivance or means at his
command, it is possible the red-skins would have tumbled off their
horses and died; for they were bearing almost all the fright, terror
and horror that can possibly be concentrated into a single person.

Finding there was no escape by means of the speed of their horses, the
Indians sensibly did what the trapper had prophesied they would do at

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