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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 84 of 128 (65%)

He was at a loss what reply to make, and therefore made none. The next
moment the giant hunter was beside him.

'B'ars and bufflers! younker, what ye got thar?' he demanded, eyeing
the steam man with an expression of the most amazed wonder. 'I say,
what do yer call that thing?'

'That,' laughed Johnny, who could not avoid a feeling of strong
apprehension at the singular appearance of the strange hunter, 'is a
sort of peregrinating locomotive.'

'Paggyratin' locomotivewhat's that?' he asked, in a gruff voice, and
with an expression of great disgust at the unfamiliar words employed.

'You have seen a locomotive, haven't you?'

'Reckon I hev, down in St. Louey.'

'Well, this is something on the same principle, except that it uses
legs instead of wheels.'

'Can that ere thing walk?'

'Yes, sir, and run, too; it traveled all the way from the Missouri
river to this place.'

The huge hunter turned upon him with a fierce expression.

'Yer can't fool this yar boss in that style.'
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