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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 85 of 128 (66%)

'Don't you believe me?' asked the boy, who was fearful of offending
the stranger.

'No, sar; not a word.'

'How do you suppose we got it here?'

'Fotched in a wagon.'

'Let me show you what be can do.'

He was about to step into the wagon, when the hunter stopped him.

'See hyar, younker, who mought yer be?'

The boy gave his name and residence.

'What yer doin' hyar?'

'I'm traveling with this machine of mine.'

'How do you git it along?'

'I was just going to show you when you stopped me.'

'Hold on; no need of bein' in a sweat about it. Do yer come alone?'

'No. I came with a hunter.'

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