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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 86 of 128 (67%)
'What war his name?'

'Baldy Bicknell.'

'B'ars and bufflers! did yer come with him?'

'Yes; he was my companion all the way.'

'Whar mought he be?'

Johnny Brainerd hesitated a moment. While the huge hunter might
possibly be of great service to the beleaguered miners, yet he
recollected that it was the desire of Baldy that the fact of gold
existing in Wolf Ravine should be kept a secret from all except their
own party.

Should it become known to any of the numerous hunters and emigrants
who were constantly passing in the neighborhood, there would be such a
flocking to the place that they would be driven away and probably
killed for the treasure that they had already obtained.

The boy, therefore, chose to make a non-committal reply:

'Baldy is some distance away, in camp.'

'And what are yer doin' hyar?'

'I stopped here to pet water for this steam man, as we call him. You
know anything that travels by steam must have the water to generate
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