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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 87 of 128 (67%)

'I say, younker, I don't want none of yer big words to me. Ef I h'ar
any more, b'ars and bufflers, ef I don't crack yer over the head with
Sweetlove, my shootin'-iron, so mind what yer say, fur I won't stand
no nonsense.'

'I didn't wish to offend you,' returned the boy, in the meekest of

'How far away might be Baldy?'

'I couldn't tell you exactly, but I think it is less than ten miles.'

'Be you goin' back to camp to-night?'

'It was my intentionthat is, I meant to do so.'

'Guess I'll go with yer; but see hyar, younker, let's see yer try that
old humbug of yourn.'

The boy sprung into the wagon, glad of the opportunity of getting rid
of what looked like a dangerous man. Before be could start he was
again peremptorily stopped.

'Yer see, I b'leeve yar a humbug, but if that ole thing does run, and,
mind, I tell yer, I don't b'leeve it will, do yer know what I'm goin'
to do?'

'I do not.'

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