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Crowded Out! and Other Sketches by Susie F. Harrison
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And other Sketches,


The Story of Monsieur, Madame, and the Pea-Green Parrot.
The Bishop of Saskabasquia.
"As it was in the Beginning."
A Christmas Sketch.
The Idyl of the Island.
The Story of Delle Josephine Boulanger.
The Story of Etienne Chezy d'Alencourt.
"Descendez a l'ombre, ma jolie blonde."
The Prisoner Dubois.
How the Mr. Foxleys Came, Stayed, and Never Went Away.
The Gilded Hammock.


I present these "Sketches" in all proper fear and humility, to my
Canadian public, hoping that the phases of colonial life they
endeavor to portray will be recognized as not altogether unfamiliar.
Some of them are true, others have been written through the medium
of Fancy, which can find and inhabit as large a field in Canada as
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