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Robert's Rules of Order - Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies by Henry M. Robert
page 111 of 154 (72%)
of any motion, excepting those mentioned in § 68.

Art. XII. Motions.

55. Motions Classified According to their Object. Instead of
immediately adopting or rejecting a resolution as originally submitted,
it may be desirable to dispose of it in some other way, and for this
purpose various motions have come into use, which can be made while a
resolution is being considered, and for the time being, supersede it.
No one can make any of these motions while another member has the floor,

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excepting as shown in § 64, which see for the circumstances under which
each motion can be made.

The following list comprises most of these motions, arranged in eight
classes, according to the object for which each motion is used. [The
names of the motions are printed in Italics; each class is treated
separately, as shown by the references.]

Motions Classified.

(1) To Amend or Modify ....................................... [§ 56]
(a) Amend.
(b) Commit.
(2) To Defer action .......................................... [§ 57]
(a) Postpone to a certain time.
(b) Lie on the Table.
(3) To Suppress Debate ....................................... [§ 58]
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