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Robert's Rules of Order - Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies by Henry M. Robert
page 112 of 154 (72%)
(a) Previous Question.
(b) An Order limiting or closing Debate.
(4) To Suppress the question ................................. [§ 59]
(a) Objection to its Consideration.
(b) Postpone Indefinitely.
(c) Lie on the Table.
(5) To Consider a question the second time ................... [§ 60]
(a) Reconsider.
(6) Order and Rules .......................................... [§ 61]
(a) Orders of the day.
(b) Special Orders.
(c) Suspension of the Rules.
(d) Questions of Order.
(e) Appeal.

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(7) Miscellaneous ............................................ [§ 62]
(a) Reading of Papers.
(b) Withdrawal of a Motion.
(c) Questions of Privilege.
(8) To close a meeting ....................................... [§ 63]
(a) Fix the time to which to Adjourn.
(b) Adjourn.

56. To Amend or Modify. (a) Amend. If it is desired to modify the
question in any way, the proper motion to make is to "amend," either by
"adding" words, or by "striking out" words; or by "striking out certain
words and inserting others;" or by "substituting" a different motion on
the same subject for the one before the assembly; or by "dividing the
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