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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 07 - England's Naval Exploits Against Spain by Richard Hakluyt
page 50 of 375 (13%)
Suburbs of Lisbon, we had beene the richest army that euer went out of
England: for besides the particular wealth of euery house, there were many
Warehouses by the water side full of all sorts of rich marchandizes.

In our march that day the gallies which had somewhat, but not much, annoyed
vs at Lisbon, (for that our way lay along the riuer) attended vs till we
were past S. Iulians, bestowing many shot amongst vs, but did no harme at
all, sauing that they strooke off a gentlemans legend, and killed the
Sergeant majors moile vnder him. The horsemen also followed vs afarre off,
and cut off as many sicke men as were not able to holde in marche, nor we
had cariage for.

After we had bene two dayes at Cascais, we had intelligence by a Frier,
that the enemy was marching strongly towards vs, and then came as farre as
S. Iulian: which newes was so welcome to the Earle of Essex and the
Generals, as they offered euery one of them to giue the messenger an
hundred crownes if they found them in the place; for the Generall desiring
nothing more then to fight with them in field roome, dispatched that night
a messenger with a trumpet, by whom he writ a cartell to the Generall of
their army, wherein he gaue them the lie, in that it was by them reported
that we dislodged from Lisbon in disorder and feare of them (which indeed
was most false) for that it was fiue of the clocke in the morning before we
fell into armes, and then went in such sort, as they had no courage to
follow out vpon vs. Also he challenged him therein, to meet him the next
morning with his whole army, if he durst attend his comming, and there to
try out the iustnesse of their quarrel by battell: by whom also the Earle
of Essex (who preferring the honor of the cause, which was his countreys,
before his owne safety) sent a particular cartel, offering himselfe against
any of theirs, if they had any of his quality; or if they would not admit
of that; sixe, eight, or tenne, or as many as they would appoint, should
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