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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 07 - England's Naval Exploits Against Spain by Richard Hakluyt
page 51 of 375 (13%)
meet so many of theirs in the head of our battell to trie their fortunes
with them; and that they should haue assurance of their returne and
honourable intreaty.

The Generall accordingly made all his army ready by three of the clocke in
the morning and marched euen to the place where they had encamped, but they
were dislodged in the night in great disorder, being taken with a sudden
feare that we had bene come vpon them, as the Generall was the next day
certainely informed: so as the Trumpet followed them to Lisbon, but could
not get other answere to either of his letters, but threatening to be
hanged, for daring to bring such a message. Howbeit the Generall had caused
to be written vpon the backside of their passport, that if they did offer
any violence vnto the messengers, he would hang the best prisoners he had
of theirs: which made them to aduise better of the matter, and to returne
them home; but without answere.

After our army came to Cascais, and the castle summoned, the Castellan
thereof granted, that vpon fiue or sixe shot of the canon he would deliuer
the same, but not without sight thereof. The Generall thinking that his
distresse within had bene such for want of men or victuals as he could not
holde it many dayes, because he saw it otherwise defensible enough,
determined rather to make him yeeld to that necessity then to bring the
cannon, and therefore onely set a gard vpon the same, lest any supply of
those things which he wanted should be brought vnto them. But he still
standing vpon those conditions, the Generall about two dayes before he
determined to goe to Sea, brought three or foure pieces of battery against
it: vpon the first fire whereof he surrendered, and compounded to go away
with his baggage and armies; he had one canon, two culuerings, one
basiliske, and three or foure other field pieces, threescore and fiue
Souldiours, very good store of munition and victualles enough in the
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