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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 104 of 795 (13%)
ill-behaviour in leaving me, and that I had offered the place to you.
'But is Channing quite competent?' cried he--for you know what a fine
ear for music the dean has:--'besides,' he added, 'is he not at
Galloway's?' I said we hoped Mr. Galloway would spare you, and that I
would answer for your competency. So, mind, Channing, you must put on
the steam, and not disgrace my guarantee. I don't mean the steam of
_noise_, or that you should go through the service with all the stops

Arthur laughed; and, declining the invitation to remain and take tea,
he went out. He was anxious to declare the news at home. A few steps on
his road, he overtook Hamish.

"Where do you spring from?" exclaimed Hamish, passing his arm within

"From concluding an agreement that will bring me in fifty pounds a
year," said Arthur.

"Gammon, Master Arthur!"

"It is _not_ gammon, Hamish. It is sober truth."

Hamish turned and looked at him, aroused by something in the tone. "And
what are you to do for it?"

"Just pass a couple of hours a day, delighting my own ears and heart.
Do you remember what Constance said, last night? Hamish, it is
_wonderful_, that this help should so soon have come to me!"

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