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The Channings by Mrs. Henry Wood
page 105 of 795 (13%)
"Stay! Where are you going?" interrupted Hamish, as Arthur was turning
into a side-street.

"This is the nearest way home."

"I had rather not go that way."

"Why?" exclaimed Arthur, in surprise. "Hamish, how funny you look! What
is the matter?"

"Must I tell you? It is for your ear alone, mind. There's a certain
tradesman's house down there that I'd rather not pass; he has a habit
of coming out and dunning me. Do you remember Mr. Dick Swiveller?"

Hamish laughed gaily. He would have laughed on his road to prison: it
was in his nature. But Arthur seemed to take a leap from his high
ropes. "Is it Simms?" he breathed.

"No, it is not Simms. Who has been telling you anything about Simms,
Arthur? It is not so very much that I owe Simms. What is this good luck
of yours?"

Arthur did not immediately reply. A dark shadow had fallen upon his
spirit, as a forerunner of evil.

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