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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
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"Don't cry--can't you get some brandy?" Then in her turn she felt herself
caught by the arm.

"Miss Fountain--Miss Laura--I can get you out of this!--there's a way out
here by the back."

Mason's white countenance showed over her shoulder as she turned.

"Not yet--can't anyone find some brandy? Ah!"

For their guide came up at the moment with a bottle in his hand. It was
Laura who handed him the mug, and it was she who, stooping down, put the
spirit to the lips of the fainting workman. Her mind seemed to float in a
mist of horror, but her will asserted itself; she recovered her power of
action sooner than the men around her. They stared at the young lady for
a moment; but no more. The one hideous fact that possessed them robbed
all else of meaning.

"Did he see it?" said Laura to the man's friend. Her voice reached no ear
but his. For they were surrounded by two uproars--the noise of the crowd
of workmen, a couple of thousand men aimlessly surging and shouting to
each other, and the distant thunder of the furnace.

"Aye, Miss. He wor drivin the tub, an he saw Overton in front--it wor the
wheel of his barrer slipped, an soomthin must ha took him--if he'd ha let
goa straight theer ud bin noa harm doon--bit he mut ha tried to draw it
back--an the barrer pulled him right in."

"He didn't suffer?" said Laura eagerly, her face close under his.
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