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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
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"Thank the Lord, he can ha known nowt aboot it!--nowt at aw. The gas ud
throttle him, Miss, afore he felt the fire."

"Is there a wife?"

"Noa--he coom here a widower three weeks sen--there's a little gell----"

"Aye! they be gone for her an t' passon boath," said another voice;
"what's passon to do whan he cooms?"

"Salve the masters' consciences!" cried a third in fury. "They'll burn us
to hell first, and then quieten us with praying."

Many faces turned to the speaker, a thin, wiry man one of the "agitators"
of the town, and a dull groan went round.

* * * * *

"Make way there!" cried an imperious voice, and the crowd between them
and the entrance side of the shed began to part. A gentleman came
through, leading a clergyman, who walked hurriedly, with eyes downcast,
holding his book against his breast.

There was a flutter of caps through the vast shed. Every head stood
bared, and bent. On went the parson towards the little platform with the
railway. The furnace had sunk somewhat--its roar was less acute---- Laura
looking at it thought of the gorged beast that falls to rest.

But another parting of the throng--one sob!--the common sob of hundreds.
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