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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
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of the bad places."

She gave a little whimsical sigh, as though it pleased her to think of
the lad's possible frights and wanderings.

Helbeck bent towards her.

"And so--to avoid him----?"

She followed his eye like a child.

"I had noticed a quarry beside the line. I climbed up there--under the
engine-house--and sat there till it was light. You see"--her breath
fluttered--"I couldn't--I couldn't be sure--he was sober. I dare say it
was ridiculous--but I was so startled--and he had no business----"

"He had given you no hint--that he wished to accompany you?"

Something drove, persecuted the man to ask it in that hoarse, shaking

She did not answer. She simply looked at him, while the tears rose softly
in her clear eyes. The question seemed to hurt her. Yet there was neither
petulance nor evasion. She was Laura, and not Laura--the pale sprite of
herself. One might have fancied her clothed already in the heavenly
super-sensual body, with the pure heart pulsing visibly through the
spirit frame.

Helbeck rose, closed the door softly, came back and stood before her,
struggling to speak. But she intercepted him. There was a look of
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