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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 46 of 279 (16%)
suffering, a frown.

"I saw a man die yesterday," she said abruptly. "Did Polly tell you?"

"I heard of the accident, and that you had stayed to comfort the child."

"It seems very heartless, but somehow as we were in the train I had
almost forgotten it. I was so glad to get away from Froswick--to be
coming back. And I was very tired, of course, and never dreamt of
anything going wrong. Oh, _no_! I haven't forgotten really--I never shall

She pressed her hands together shuddering. Helbeck was still silent.

But it was a silence that pierced. Suddenly she flushed deeply. The spell
that held her--that strange transparency of soul--broke up.

"Naturally I was afraid lest Augustina should be anxious," she said
hastily, "and lest it should be bad for her."

Helbeck knelt down beside her. She sank back in her chair, staring at

"You were glad to be coming back--to be coming here?" he said in his deep
voice. "Is that true? Do you know that I have sat here all night--in

The struggling breath checked the answer, cheeks and lips lost every
vestige of their returning red. Only her eyes spoke. Helbeck came closer.
Suddenly he snatched the little form to his breast. She made one small
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