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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 50 of 279 (17%)

She leant her brow against the back of the old sofa on which they were
sitting. "And--and no prayers for me?" she said huskily.

"Dear love!--at all times--in all places--at my downsitting and mine
uprising," he answered--every word an adoration.

She was silent for a moment, then she dashed the tears from her eyes.

"All the same, I shall never be a Catholic," she repeated resolutely;
"and how can you marry an unbeliever?"

"My Church allows it--under certain conditions."

Her mind flew over the conditions. She had heard them named on one or two
occasions during the preceding months. Then she turned away, dreading his

"Suppose I am jealous of your Church and hate her?"

"No!--you will love her for my sake."

"I can't promise. There are two selves in me. All your Catholic
friends--Father Leadham--the Reverend Mother--will be in despair."

She saw him wince. But he spoke firmly. "I ask only what is lawful. I am
free in such a matter to choose my own path--under my conscience."

She said nothing for a little. But she pondered on all that he might be
facing and sacrificing for such a marriage. Once a cloud of sudden
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