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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 51 of 279 (18%)
misgiving descended upon her, as though, a bird had brushed her with its
black wing. But she shook it away. Her little hand crept back to
him--while her face was still hidden from him.

"I ought not to marry you--but--but I will. There--take me!--will you
guide me?"

"With all my strength!"

"Will you fight me?"

He laughed. "To the best of my ability--when I must. Did I do it
well--that night--about the ghost?"

She shrugged her shoulders--half laughing, half crying.

"No!--you were violent--impossible. Will you never, never let me get the
upper hand?"

"How would you do it?--little atom!" He bent over her, trying to see her
face, but she pressed him away from her.

"Make me afraid to mock at your beliefs!" she said passionately; "make me
afraid!--there is no other way."


At last she let his arms have their will. And it was time. The exhaustion
which had been driven back for the moment by food and excitement returned
upon her with paralysing force. Helbeck woke to a new and stronger alarm.
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