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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 55 of 279 (19%)
Bowles was just reflecting, she looked remarkably well. The influences of
her native air seemed so far to have brought Dr. MacBride's warnings to
naught. Or was it the stimulating effect of her brother's engagement? At
any rate she talked more, and with more vigour; she was more liable to
opinions of her own; and in these days there was that going on at
Bannisdale which provoked opinion in great plenty.

"Miss Fountain is not at home?" remarked the old priest. An afternoon
gossip with Mrs. Fountain had become a very common feature of his recent

"Laura has gone, I believe, to meet my brother at the lodge. He has been
over to Braeside on business."

"He is selling some land there?"

"I hope so!" said Augustina, with fervour.

"It is time indeed that our poor orphans were housed," said Father Bowles
naively. "For the last three months some of our dear nuns have been
sleeping in the passages."

Augustina sighed.

"It seems a little hard that there is nobody but Alan to do anything! And
how long is it to go on?"

The priest bent forward.

"You mean----?"
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