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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 56 of 279 (20%)

"How long will my stepdaughter let it go on?" said Augustina impatiently.
"She will be mistress here directly."

The eyes of her companion flinched, as though something had struck him.
But he hastened to say:

"Do not let us doubt, my dear lady, that the soul of Miss Fountain will
sooner or later be granted to our prayers."

"But there is not the smallest sign of it," cried Augustina. And she in
her turn bent towards her companion, unable to resist the temptation of
these priestly ears so patiently inclined to her. "And yet, Father, she
isn't happy!--though Alan gives way to her in everything. It's not a bit
like a girl in love--you'd expect her to be thinking about her clothes,
and the man, and her housekeeping at least--if she won't think
about--well! those other things that we should all wish her to think
about. While we were at the sea, and Alan used to come down every now and
then to stay near us in lodgings, it was all right. They never argued or
disputed; they were out all day; and really I thought my brother began to
look ten years younger. But now--since we have come back--of course my
brother has all his affairs, and all his Church business to look after,
and Laura doesn't seem so contented--nearly. It would be different if she
cared for any of his interests--but I often think she hates the orphans!
She is really naughty about them. And then the Sisters--oh
dear!"--Augustina gave a worried sigh--"I don't think the Reverend Mother
can have managed it at all well."

Father Bowles said that he understood both from the Reverend Mother and
Sister Angela that they had made very great efforts to secure Miss
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