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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 57 of 279 (20%)
Fountain's friendly opinion.

"Well, it didn't succeed, that's all I can say," replied Augustina
fretfully. "And I don't know what they'll do after November."

November had been fixed for the marriage, which was to take place at

Father Bowles hung his hands between his knees and looked down upon them
in gentle meditation.

"Your brother seems still very much attached----"


Augustina was silent. In reality she spent half her days in secretly
marvelling how such a good man as Alan could allow himself to be so much
in love.

"If only someone had ever warned me that this might happen--when I was
coming back to live here," she said, in her most melancholy voice; and
clasping her thin hands she looked sadly down the garden paths, while her
poor head shook and jerked under the influence of the thoughts--so far
from agreeable!--with which it was filled.

There was a little silence. Then Father Bowles broke it.

"And our dear Squire does nothing to try and change Miss Fountain's mind
towards the Church?" he asked, looking vaguely round the corner all the
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