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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 58 of 279 (20%)

Nothing--so Augustina declared.

"I say to him--'Alan, give her some books.' Why, they always give people
books to read! 'Or get Father Leadham to talk to her.' What's the good of
a man like Father Leadham--so learned, and such manners!--if he can't
talk to a girl like Laura? But no, Alan won't. He says we must let her
alone--and wait God's time!--And there's no altering him, as you know."

Father Bowles pondered a little, then said with a mild perplexity:

"I find, in my books, that a great many instances are recorded of holy
wives--or even betrothed--who were instrumental under God in procuring
the conversion of their unbelieving husbands--or--or lovers, if I may use
such a word to a lady. But I cannot discover any of an opposite nature.
There was the pious Nonna, for instance, the mother of the great St.
Gregory Nazianzen, who converted her husband so effectually that he
became a bishop, and died at the age of ninety."

"What became of her?" inquired Augustina hastily.

The priest hesitated.

"It is a very curious case--and, I understand, much disputed. Some people
suppose that St. Gregory was born after his father became a bishop, and
many infidel writers have made use of the story for their own malicious
purposes. But if it was so, the Church may have allowed such a departure
from her law, at a time of great emergency and in a scarcity of pastors.
But the most probable thing is that nothing of the kind happened--" he
drew himself up with decision--"that the father of St. Gregory had
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