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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 75 of 279 (26%)
entrance, seeking for her.

"Let me just get my letters," said Helbeck, and Laura followed him to his

The afternoon post lay upon his writing-table. He opened the first, read
it, and handed it with a look of hesitation to Laura.

"Dear, Mr. Williams comes to-morrow. They have given him a fortnight's
holiday. He has had a sharp attack of illness and depression, and wants
change. Will you feel it too long?"

Involuntarily her look darkened. She put down the letter without reading

"Why--I want to see him! I--I shall make a study of him," she said with
some constraint.

But by this time Helbeck was half through the contents of his next
envelope. She heard an exclamation of disgust, and he threw down what he
held with vehemence.

"One can trust nobody!" he said--"_nobody!_"

He began to pace the floor with angry energy, his hands thrust into his
pockets. She--in astonishment--threw him questions which he hardly seemed
to hear. Suddenly he paused.

"Dear Laura!--will you forgive me?--but after all I must sell that
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