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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 76 of 279 (27%)


"I hear to-day, for the first time, who is to be the real purchaser of
that land, and why it is wanted. It is to be the site of a new Anglican
church and vicarage. I have been tricked throughout--tricked--and
deceived! But thank God it is not too late! The circumstances of this
afternoon were providential. There is still time for me to write to
Whinthorpe." He glanced at the clock. "And my lawyers may tear up the
contract when they please!"

"And--that means--you will sell the Romney?" said Laura slowly.

"I must! Dear little one!"--he came to stoop over her--"I am most truly
grieved. But I am bound to my orphans by all possible engagements--both
of honour and conscience."

"Why is it so horrible that an Anglican church should be built on your
land?" she said, slightly holding him away from her.

"Because I am responsible for the use of my land, as for any other
talent. It shall not be used for the spread of heresy."

"Are there any Catholics near it?"

"Not that I know of. But it has been a fixed principle with me throughout
my life"--he spoke with a firm and, as she thought, a haughty
decision--"to give no help, direct or indirect, to a schismatical and
rebellious church. I see now why there has been so much secrecy! My land
is of vital importance to them. They apparently feel that the whole
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