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Helbeck of Bannisdale — Volume II by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 77 of 279 (27%)
Anglican development of this new town may depend upon it. Let them feel
it. They shall not have a foot--not an inch of what belongs to me!"

"Then they are to have no church," said Laura. She had grown quite pale.

"Not on my land," he said, with a violence that first amazed and then
offended her. "Let them find sympathisers of their own. They have filched
enough from us Catholics in the past."

And he resumed his rapid walk, his face darkened with an anger he vainly
tried to curb. Never had she seen him so roused.

She too rose, trembling a little.

"But I love that picture!" she said. "I beg you not to sell it."

He stopped, in distress.

"Unfortunately, dear, I have promised the money. It must be found within
six weeks--and I see no other way."

She thought that he spoke stiffly, and she resented the small effect of
her appeal.

"And you won't bend a single prejudice to--to save such a family
possession--though I care for it so much?"

He came up to her with outstretched hands.

"I have been trying to save it all these weeks! Nothing but such a cause
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