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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 10 of 265 (03%)

"With gold epaulets and a sword?" he asked.

"Of course," said the Queen.

Then she went to the next man, whose name was Jo
Bunn, as he owned an orchard where graham-buns and
wheat-buns, in great variety, both hot and cold,
grew on the trees.

"Jo," said Ann, "I am going to conquer the
world, and I command you to join my Army."

"Impossible!" he exclaimed. "The bun crop has to
be picked."

"Let your wife and children do the picking,"
said Ann.

"But I'm a man of great importance, Your
Majesty," he protested.

"For that reason you shall be one of my
Generals, and wear a cocked hat with gold
braid, and curl your mustaches and clank a long
sword," she promised.

So he consented, although sorely against his
will, and the Queen walked on to the next
cottage. Here lived Jo Cone, so called because
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