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Tik-Tok of Oz by L. Frank (Lyman Frank) Baum
page 11 of 265 (04%)
the trees in his orchard bore crops of excellent
ice-cream cones.

"Jo," said Ann, "I am going to conquer the
world, and you must join my Army."

"Excuse me, please," said Jo Cone. "I am a
bad fighter. My good wife conquered me years
ago, for she can fight better than I. Take her,
Your Majesty, instead of me, and I'll bless you
for the favor."

"This must be an army of men--fierce, ferocious
warriors," declared Ann, looking sternly upon the
mild little man.

"And you will leave my wife here in Oogaboo?" he

"Yes; and make you a General."

"I'll go," said Jo Cone, and Ann went on to
the cottage of Jo Clock, who had an orchard of
clock-trees. This man at first insisted that he
would not join the army, but Queen Ann's
promise to make him a General finally won his

"How many Generals are there in your army?"
he asked.
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